The process of training a greyhound dog on fishing skills

The process of training a greyhound dog on fishing skills

The process of training a greyhound dog on fishing skills
The process of training a greyhound dog on fishing skills
The process of training a greyhound dog on fishing skills:
Greyhound is a kind of chasing puppy and is viewed as one of the quickest four-legged creatures after the cheetah, where it achieves a speed of around 90 km, which is the longest breath of cheetah as it is long separations without weariness, and continue hardship pursue in different conditions, where it helps keep it (Because the puppies' skins are free of the pores of the skin), which vanishes through the tongue. This is the mystery of his consistent weakness and weariness, on the grounds that Allaah says (like a puppy, in the event that you bear it, let it run or let it run like the general population who They have misled our disclosures.

How long does the training process begin?

The preparation begins from the third month of the month, so just the guardians who educate the tyke amid the brooding time frame have every one of the abilities and aptitudes they may require. From that point onward, he is prepared until the point when he achieves the age of one year, after which he is prepared to set out on angling trips. What's more, to be honest, numerous individuals need to take the expulsion and expulsion from the guardians following two months Dana of them that it will encourage his preparation in this brief period which isn't accepted here in the middle since we trust that the Salik keeps on learning for the duration of his life and that he needs to live with the guardians longer In a family domain where abilities start to take in the vital practices as a climb and following three months we expel him from his folks to start the long preparing period, which may last up to a year and after that wind up prepared to enter the angling and escort the angler

How to learn puppies for hunting

On the off chance that the prepare has a two-month time frame, his mentor or coach takes a five-arm string and ties a fox's tail or a bit of sheepskin to the end. Another person needs to pull the string before the puppy and incite it to make up for lost time with the string and hold it. Also, on the off chance that he winds up five months, present to him a major mouse and drag him to get him ... On the off chance that he progressed toward becoming him seven months, he went out to the Alfalah, where the winged animal is staying and constrained him and constrained him to get him Catch him.

On the off chance that he aced the puppy attempt at manslaughter, and endeavored to break and renunciation presented to him a rabbit and a little pull on the nerves of a little obstruct the quick running and sit still before him to get him in the event that he did as such with him over and again let go the rabbit in the falaat, and for this situation to send with another canine I know him to chase .

Also, does not enhance or never exhorted the mentor to send his puppy in the main charge on the fox may dread and unfit to fear him and unfit to manage without him.

It ought not sustain the puppy in the daytime just once, and the best thing to eat bread alone does not let him or abandon it on Almzbakl Akramk God to eat what he discovers them, it ruins it, and the pooch should Btmr calf Persians and know the measure of nourishment and not give him more than his need The meat is bolstered just from chasing, and when it is gotten, the meat swells the canine, and the pooch on the off chance that it is protected to state the foe

It might resort when educating the canine to be beaten infrequently, and if the pooch sent the instructor and ate from his outing and hit him on the ways he did, he doesn't come back to that once more

Furthermore, the core of the capacity to acknowledge training and great conduct in the kinds of toys, which isn't in others.

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